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Our Story
Mekong Kingdom Movement exists to see
living churches located within walking distance of
every people group and place in the Mekong region
until there is No Place Left

MKM is made up of a bunch of disciple-making practitioners who are passionate about spreading the fame of God in places where folks normally wouldn't go - among the unreached. We give priority to places where entire groups of people have no access to the Awesome News that Jesus created the universe, died for humanity, and is their only hope for salvation.
We're a small team of pioneers comprised of both foreign and local faces. Faces who must remain anonymous because the work we do carries an inherent risk. Persecution, jail time, social ostracism, and disappearance are some of the real threats facing the MKM team and the believers we work with. We rest in the truth that Jesus and His disciples faced the same risks AND we don't sweat it but prepare for it. For security purposes no real names or specific locations are ever given - but rest assured our stories will always be true.
We believe that God's entire story as revealed in the Bible is about God and His worthiness. From the very beginning to the very end, God is missional in nature. He is redeeming and bringing back a lost world unto himself so that every tribe, language and people can sing to Him. We are confident that there will be dancing too (for those who can't sing) and a host of other heavenly things.
This story/vision is what brought us to Southeast Asia many years ago. The Mekong River and the hundreds of different ethnic groups in the region form the backdrop of where we live and work today. We are ecstatic and privileged to be a part of God's global redemptive story. It brings us great satisfaction to mobilize the body of Christ to live for God's purposes.
For His Glory and Renown,
The MKM Team
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